Posts Tagged ‘ film ’

Cast and Crew of Color | How Do I get my stuff out there?

I recently attended an event sponsored by Cast and Crew of Color where we were able to speak with people in the industry and pick their brains as well as listen to their insight. The event was held at MTV networks in Times Square.

The panel was  moderated by Richard Gay, Executive Vice President, Strategy & Business Operations, VH1 & MTV

The panelist were:

Meeri Park Cunniff, Senior Vice President, Programming Strategy, MTV

Keith Dawkins, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Nicktoons

Kay Wilson Stallings, Vice President, Production and Development, Nickelodeon Pre School Television

Tina Santomauro, Manager, Development and Acquisitions/Executive Producer,

Here are a few key points they mentioned:

Digital world has created another form of distribution, there are  more avenues to get content out there – Keith
Tina said to make sure you have license for your work. You never know when you might get picked up or when other legal issues will arise so you need those proper documentation. -Tina

Different.  Think different ways and platforms to get your stuff out.

{In reference to chosing different markets to getting your work out there} There are narratives in gaming we are all story tellers. Find a way to get your story out there.

Lack of brown faces in animation Keith


Q:  What content are you looking for?
MTV reality is a challenging space  because  it doesn’t  repeat. So more scripted series. Still not done with reality shows new ideas are needed. MTV is  getting a new show called  “Skins “which is a drama, and drama with imagery, and animation – Meeri
[Nicktoons] Is working on a partnership with the NFL and other IP [so if you can find a fit] also looking for signature brand defying shows. Keith
[ looking for more shows that can be in tele novella format]  Tele novella format is popular everywhere yet hasn’t broke on US yet they tried it on [the show] Degrassi and it shattered viewing ratings. What to have that more in the US.
“Just because a pitch is rejected doesn’t mean its bad just doesn’t match that brand”
Q: Best way to pitch
Nick preschool has a portal which is their website you can send pitches. They have a very specific thing/idea they are looking for.

Q: Any shows for African-American boys ages 6-16


To have such a show it needs to be diverse, needs to be a great Keith

During the event we also discussed Solicited vs. Unsolicited pitches which was intertwined with the best way to pitch question. The key thing is finding out how to contact the right people. Networking as also discussed as a way to generate buzz about the project that you are working on and what to get out there.

Discussed the need to work through your broadcaster.  To read the credits at the end of a movie or show to find out who the productions companies are that work with the companies that you want too.

As you can see we talked about a number of topics. But the take aways was that you have to diligent and tenacious with getting your work into the right hands. This event also provided some great networking opportunities. I was very happy that I went, it provided me with some knowledge. It also reinforced that research is key and understanding the people who you are pitching your idea too.

Happy Flying,

~Solo Dove~